Kyle J. Marcil, Esq.

Kyle J. Marcil, Esq.

Kyle grew up in Jacksonville, Florida and graduated from Paxon School for Advanced Studies. Being the product of a Jacksonville upbringing gives him a sense of community that drives Kyle to help those located in and around our local area. After high school, he attended Florida A&M University, where he received multiple degrees, including a B.S. in Journalism.  Kyle’s passion for journalism and storytelling have been a major asset to the many clients Kyle has advocated for at trial to persuasively move decision-makers to his client’s point of view. Prior to attending law school, Kyle taught at Ribault High School in Jacksonville for several years. He then attended FAMU College of Law where he graduated Cum Laude. In law school, he was awarded the FAMU All-Stars Scholarship and was selected as a member of the FAMU Law Review. He also participated in the FAMU College of Law Criminal Defense and Mediation Clinics, in addition to internships with the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services; Lowndes, Drosdick, Doster, Kantor, & Reed; and Crews & Pesquera.

In law school, he was awarded the FAMU All-Stars Scholarship and was selected as a member of the FAMU Law Review. He also participated in the FAMU College of Law Criminal Defense and Mediation Clinics, in addition to internships with the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services; Lowndes, Drosdick, Doster, Kantor, & Reed; and Crews & Pesquera.

As a multi-state bar member, licensed to practice in Florida and Georgia, Kyle has continued to sharpen his litigation skills while focusing on family law, including complex divorce actions, paternity actions, and all forms of modification.  Mr. Marcil’s additional experience includes criminal defense, civil litigation, and probate.

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